Interview Workshop
Mixer’s ArtWriting Turkey (AWT) project continued with an interview workshop to its art writing practices. The workshop were two sessions and led by Elvin Vural, İstanbulArtNews’ market editor; Fisun Yalçınkaya, Milliyet Sanat’s plastic arts editor; Gökşen Buğra, art writer; Yasemin Elçi, the founder of Sanat Online, who focused on interview in the context of art writing. The first session was held at Wednesday 8th of June, between 19.00-20.30 and concentrated on the subject of different styles of interviews according to art-culture area and their necessities around the styles. Later, participants started a project with the way of publishing interviews as a result of participants’ suggestions. The second session was held at Wednesday 22nd of June, between 19.00-20.30 and the directors of workshop evaluated the interviews that was done by the participants and shared their feedbacks with the participants. At the end, the prepared interviews at the workshop published at Sanat Online and Mixer’s blog.